The ANSWERS® Software Service Website
Further Information on MONK can be obtained from the following MONK Technical Papers:
S.D. Richards, Stochastic mixing of bound thermal scattering data in MONK, Annals of Nuclear Energy Volume 136, February 2020
S.D. Richards, G.P. Dobson, T.C. Fry, D. Hanlon, D.J. Long, R.J. Perry, P.N. Smith, F. Tantillo and T.C. Ware, Recent Developments to the MONK Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Safety and Reactor Physics Analyses, 11th International conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2019), Paris, France, September 2019
P.N. Smith, D. Hanlon, G.P. Dobson, M. Stefanowska, S.D. Richards, R. Hiles and C. Murphy, Tools for Valication and Uncertainty Quantification with ANSWERS Software, 11th International conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2019), Paris, France, September 2019
S.D. Richards, G.P. Dobson, D. Hanlon, R.J. Perry, F. Tantillo and T.C. Ware, MONK11A: Status and Plans for the MONK Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Safety and Reactor Physics Analyses, International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2019), Portland, Oregon, USA, August 2019
F. Tantillo, S.D. Richards, A.J. Smethurst and D.J. Long, Integration of the MONK Monte Carlo Neutronics Code in the NURESIM Platform, International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2019), Portland, Oregon, USA, August 2019
S. Richards, M. Shepherd, A. Bird, D. Long, C. Murphy and T. Fry, Recent Developments to MONK for Criticality Safety and Burn-up Credit Applications, M&C 2017, Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017
M. Shepherd, G. Dobson, B. Lindley, C. Baker, S. Richards and P. Smith, Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Extreme Value Theory for Uncertainty Quantification in Criticality Analysis, M&C 2017, Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017
B. Stray, M. Delaney, B. Lindley, M. Shepherd, S. Richards, G.J. Hosking and P.J. Smith, Solution of the OECD/NEA SFR Neutronic Benchmark Using WIMS and MONK, PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, USA, May 1–5, 2016.
M. Shepherd, N. Davies, S.D. Richards, P.N. Smith, W. Philpott, C.M.J. Baker, R. Hiles and D. Hanlon, MONK10: Burnup Credit Capability, ICNC 2015, Charlotte, NC, USA, September 13-17, 2015
D. Long, S.D. Richards, P.N. Smith, C.M.J. Baker, A.J. Bird, N. Davies, G. Dobson, T.C. Fry, D. Hanlon, R. Perry and M. Shepherd, MONK10: A Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Analysis, ICNC 2015, Charlotte, NC, USA, September 13-17, 2015
C.M.J. Baker, P.N. Smith, R.M. Mason, M. Shepherd, S.D. Richards, R. Hiles, R. Perry, D. Hanlon and G. Dobson, Calculating Uncertainty on K-Effective with MONK10, ICNC 2015, Charlotte, NC, USA, September 13-17, 2015
S.D. Richards, C.M.J. Baker, A.J. Bird, P. Cowan, N. Davies, G.P. Dobson, T.C. Fry, A. Kyrieleis. & P.N. Smith "MONK and MCBEND: Current Status and Recent Developments", Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2013 (SNA + MC 2013) Paris, France, (October 2013)
S.D. Richards, N. Davies, M.J. Armishaw, G.P. Dobson & G.A. Wright "Parallelisation of MONK with Coupling to Thermal Hydraulics and Gamma Heating Calculations for Reactor Physics Applications", Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2013 (SNA + MC 2013) Paris, France, (October 2013)
M.J. Armishaw, N.Davies & A.J. Bird (ANSWERS) and A.J. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd) "The ANSWERS Code MONK – A New Approch to Scoring, Tracking, Modelling and Visualisation", International Conference on Nuclear Criticality (ICNC 2011), Edinburgh (September 2011)
N. Davies, M.J. Armishaw, S.D. Richards & G.P. Dobson "Improvements to MONK & MCBEND Enabling Coupling & the Use of MONK Calculated Isotopic Compositions in Shielding & Criticality", International Conference on Nuclear Criticality (ICNC 2011), Edinburgh (September 2011)
A.J. Bird & T.C. Fry "Release of VISUAL WORKSHOP 2, a Model Viewer, Editor, Run and Results Display Package for the ANSWERS Criticality and Shielding Codes", International Conference on Nuclear Criticality (ICNC 2011), Edinburgh (September 2011)
T. Barker (University of Birmingham), A. Bird, R. Thetford (ANSWERS) and A. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd) "CAD import for MONK and MCBEND by converting to Tetrahedral Mesh format" ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Reno, Nevada, USA (November 2008)
D. Dewar, A. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd), A. Bird and P. Cowan (ANSWERS) "Visual Workshop as the Single Model Editor for the Answers Shielding and Criticality Codes", 11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-11) and 14th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2008), Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA (April 2008)
T. Barker (University of Birmingham), A. Bird, R. Thetford (ANSWERS) and A. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd) "Use of Tetrahedral Mesh Geometry to Import a Converted CAD File for Shielding and Criticality Calculations with MONK and MCBEND" 11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-11) and 14th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2008), Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA (April 2008)
P.N. Smith, R.M. Mason, R. Cummings "A Model of Rapid Transient Criticality Under Repository Conditions", 8th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2007), St. Petersburg, Russia (May 2007)
P.N. Smith, R.M. Mason, R. Cummings "A Model of Quasi-Steady-State Criticality Under Repository Conditions", 8th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2007), St. Petersburg, Russia (May 2007)
D. Winstanley, P. Hulse (British Nuclear Group) and M. Armishaw (ANSWERS) "Future Developments in Criticality Modelling and Data Analysis in British Nuclear Group", 8th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2007), St. Petersburg, Russia (May 2007)
B. Franklin and T. Newton "ICNC Proteus PBMR Modelling Using Monk", 8th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2007), St. Petersburg, Russia (May 2007)
P. Wood, M. Askarieh (Nirex Limited), R. Cummings, P. Smith (ANSWERS), M. Eaton, A. Goddard, C. Pain (Imperial College London) and J. Gulliford (Nexia Solutions) "Understanding Criticality Under Repository Conditions", 8th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2007), St. Petersburg, Russia (May 2007)
M. Armishaw (ANSWERS) and A.J. Cooper (British Nuclear Group) "Current Status and Future Direction of the MONK Software Package", 8th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2007), St. Petersburg, Russia (May 2007)
G Dobson (ANSWERS) and D. Winstanley (British Nuclear Group): "Modelling Dropped Rods For Criticality Analysis", M&C 2005, Palais Des Papes, Avignon, France (September 2005).
D. Dewar, A.J. Cooper, P. Hulse (British Nuclear Group) and P. Cowan (ANSWERS) "CODEMORE: A Fair System for Distributing Parameter Searches on a Cluster Computer System", The 11th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2005 and The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA (July 2005).
D. Dewar, A.J. Cooper, P. Hulse (British Nuclear Group) and P. Cowan (ANSWERS) "VME: A Visual Model Editor for the ANSWERS Shielding and Criticality Codes", The 11th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2005 and The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA (July 2005).
S. Connolly (BNFL) and M. Grimstone (ANSWERS) "The Development and Validation of a New Collision Processor for MONK", The 7th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2003), Tokai-mura, Japan (October 2003)
N. Smith, M. Armishaw (ANSWERS) and A. Cooper (BNFL) "Current Status and Future Direction of the MONK Software Package", The 7th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2003), Tokai-mura, Japan (October 2003)
M. Armishaw, N. Smith and E. Shuttleworth "Particle Packing Considerations for Pebble Bed Fuel Systems", The 7th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2003), Tokai-mura, Japan (October 2003)
T D Newton, "The Deveopment of Modern Design and Reference Core Neutronics Methods for PMBR"
M Armishaw, A Bird, H Crofts and NR Smith, "The Role of Graphical Supporting Tools for Monte Carlo Analysis", Proc Monte Carlo 2000, Lisbon, Portugal (October 2000)
NR Smith, E Shuttleworth, MJ Grimstone, JL Hutton, M Armishaw, A Bird, N France (ANSWERS) and S Connolly (BNFL), "The Current Status and Future Plans for the Monte Carlo Codes MONK and MCBEND" , Proc Monte Carlo 2000, Lisbon, Portugal (October 2000)
NR Smith, NT Gulliford and D Hanlon "Achieving Industry Acceptance of a JEF2.2 Nuclear Data Library for MONK" (pdf: 59k - 10 pages) International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC '99) - Versailles.
NR Smith, MJ Armishaw, L Hutton and J Sidell "The Unification of MONK - Extending the Monte Carlo Horizon" (pdf: 103k - 10 pages) International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC '99) - Versailles.
N.R.Smith and P.R.Thorne."The Accurate Determination of Sub-Critical Margins to Meet Emerging Criticality Needs" (pdf:100k - 8 pages)
N.R.Smith and G.A.Morell. "An Introduction to MONK7" (pdf: 160k - 11 pages) International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC '95) - Albuquerque.
N.R.Smith et al. "Securing the MONK Validation Database" (pdf: 100k - 9 pages) International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC '95) - Albuquerque.
An Introduction to the New Features of MONK8A (pdf: 340k - 72 pages) ANSWERS/MONK(98)7
An Introduction to the New Features of MONK7B (pdf:360k - 40 pages) ANSWERS/MONK(97)5