The ANSWERS® Software Service Website
ANSWERS' software products for Reactor Physics, Shielding, Criticality and Nuclear Well Logging rely upon high quality modern nuclear data. To service this and additional third party requirements, we maintain a key team for processing nuclear data.
We use a wide range of evaluated nuclear data source files to enable the most appropriate data to be processed using codes such as NJOY. These files include JEF2.2, JEFF3, ENDF/B-VI, JENDL3.2, CENDL2, BROND2.2, EADL, EEDL, ENDL84, IRDF90 and UKNDL. Efficient methodologies have been designed for processing and allow the quick addition of nuclides in response to customers needs.
The nuclear data team generate all the application data libraries for the ANSWERS software packages including FISPIN, MCBEND, MONK and WIMS.
The latest reactor physics library for the WIMS code contains neutron cross sections for about 200 nuclides in 172 energy groups generated from JEF2.2 evaluated nuclear data.
For the Monte Carlo codes MONK and MCBEND (which both use the same neutron cross section library) the latest library contains neutron cross sections represented in 13,193 energy groups for about 200 nuclides. JEF2.2, ENDF/B-VI and JENDL3.2 libraries have been created.
The MCBEND code can also be used to perform coupled neutron-gamma calculations which require gamma source data and purpose built software is used to generate these gamma production libraries.
We also evaluate decay data. The latest file of activation and fission product nuclides in ENDF6 format, UKPADD6.1 and heavy element data UKHEDD2.2, were issued in September 2000 and can be obtained from the OECD NEA Data Bank in Paris, France.
Using the experience gained in supporting ANSWERS products, the nuclear data team generate neutron and cross section libraries for proprietary customer products. The libraries are generated under Quality Assurance (QA) standards compliant with BS EN ISO9001.
We continue to expand the validation database and participate in international benchmarking and inter comparisons as part of a continuous improvement programme.