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Further information on MCBEND and RANKERN can be found in the following Technical Papers:
G. Dobson, A. Bird, B. Tollit and P. Smith "Using MCBEND for neutron or gamma-ray deterministic calculations" 13th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-13) & 19th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society -2016 (RPSD-2016), Paris, France (October 2016)
A. Bird, D. Long and G. Dobson "Implementing Shared Memory Parallelism in MCBEND" 13th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-13) & 19th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society -2016 (RPSD-2016), Paris, France (October 2016)
A. Bird, C. Murphy and G. Dobson "Release of RANKERN16A" 13th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-13) & 19th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society -2016 (RPSD-2016), Paris, France (October 2016)
S.D. Richards, C.M.J. Baker, A.J. Bird, P. Cowan, N. Davies, G.P. Dobson, T.C. Fry, A. Kyrieleis. & P.N. Smith"MONK and MCBEND: Current Status and Recent Developments", Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2013 (SNA + MC 2013) Paris, France, (October 2013)
P. Cowan, G. Dobson and J. Martin "Release of MCBEND 11" 12th International Converence on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-12) and 17th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society (RPSD-2012), Nara, Japan (September 2012)
A. Bird and T. Fry "VISUAL WORKSHOP 2: A Model Viewer, Editor And Results Display Package For The ANSWERS Shielding And Criticality Codes" 12th International Converence on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-12) and 17th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society (RPSD-2012), Nara, Japan (September 2012)
A. Bird and A. Kyrieleis "Experience Using Models Imported From CAD Software for Shielding Calculations In MCBEND" 12th International Converence on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-12) and 17th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society (RPSD-2012), Nara, Japan (September 2012)
T. Barker (University of Birmingham), A. Bird, R. Thetford (ANSWERS) and A. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd) "CAD import for MONK and MCBEND by converting to Tetrahedral Mesh format" ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Reno, Nevada, USA (November 2008)
D. Dewar, A. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd), A. Bird and P. Cowan (ANSWERS) "Visual Workshop as the Single Model Editor for the Answers Shielding and Criticality Codes", 11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-11) and 14th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2008), Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA (April 2008)
T. Barker (University of Birmingham), A. Bird, R. Thetford (ANSWERS) and A. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd) "Use of Tetrahedral Mesh Geometry to Import a Converted CAD File for Shielding and Criticality Calculations with MONK and MCBEND" 11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-11) and 14th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2008), Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA (April 2008)
P. Cowan, G. Dobson, G.A. Wright (ANSWERS) and A. Cooper (Sellafield Ltd) "Recent Developments to the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND", 11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-11) and 14th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2008), Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA (April 2008)
G.A. Wright and C.J. Dean "Application of IRDF2002 dosimetry data to shielding benchmarks using the Monte Carlo code MCBEND", International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007, Nice, France (April 2007)
D. Dewar, A.J. Cooper, P. Hulse (British Nuclear Group) and P. Cowan (ANSWERS) "CODEMORE: A Fair System for Distributing Parameter Searches on a Cluster Computer System", The 11th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2005 and The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA (July 2005).
D. Dewar, A.J. Cooper, P. Hulse (British Nuclear Group) and P. Cowan (ANSWERS) "VME: A Visual Model Editor for the ANSWERS Shielding and Criticality Codes", The 11th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2005 and The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA (July 2005).
E.Shuttleworth, "Revised methods for Adjoint Calculations", 10th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-10) and 13th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2004), Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal (May 2004)
P.Cowan, E.Shuttleworth, A.Bird (ANSWERS) A.Cooper (BNFL), "The Launch of MCBEND 10", 10th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-10) and 13th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2004), Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal (May 2004)
G.A.Wright and S.J.Wall, "Application of MCBEND to PBMR Shielding Analysis", 10th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-10) and 13th Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPS-2004), Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal (May 2004)
P Cowan, "Generation and Performance of a Multigroup Coupled Neutron-Gamma Cross-Section Library for Deterministic and Monte Carlo Borehole Logging Analysis", Proc PHYSOR 2004, Chicago, USA (April 2004)
G.A.Wright, E.Shuttleworth, M.J.Grimstone and A.J.Bird, "The Status of the General Radiation Transport Code MCBEND", Proc 5th Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications, Bologna, Italy, (June 2002)
M Armishaw, A Bird, H Crofts and NR Smith, "The Role of Graphical Supporting Tools for Monte Carlo Analysis", Proc Monte Carlo 2000, Lisbon, Portugal (October 2000)
NR Smith, E Shuttleworth, MJ Grimstone, JL Hutton, M Armishaw, A Bird, N France (ANSWERS) and S Connolly (BNFL), "The Current Status and Future Plans for the Monte Carlo Codes MONK and MCBEND" , Proc Monte Carlo 2000, Lisbon, Portugal (October 2000)
E Shuttleworth, "The Geometrical Sensitivity option in MCBEND", Proc Monte Carlo 2000, Lisbon, Portugal (October 2000)
E Shuttleworth, MJ Grimstone, SJ Chucas, "Application of Acceleration Techniques in MCBEND", Proc International Conference on Radiation Shielding ICRS'9, Tsukuba, Japan. (October 1999)
SJ Chucas, MJ Grimstone and CJ Dean, "Uncertainty Analysis of Benchmark Experiments using MCBEND", Proc International Conference on Radiation Shielding ICRS'9, Tsukuba, Japan. (October 1999)
E Shuttleworth, "The Pulse Height Distribution Tally in MCBEND", Proc International Conference on Radiation Shielding ICRS'9, Tsukuba, Japan. (October 1999)
SJ Chucas, IJ Curl, "Streaming Calculations using the Point-Kernel Code RANKERN", Proc International Conference on Radiation Shielding ICRS'9, Tsukuba, Japan (October 1999)
GA Wright, E Shuttleworth, P Cowan, IJ Curl and CG Mattsson, "MCBEND - A Fluence Modeling Tool from AEA Technology", Proc International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry ISRD'99, Osaka, Japan. (September 1999)
MJ Grimstone, "Extension of the MCBEND Monte Carlo Code to Perform Adjoint Calculations using Point Energy Data", Proc. 1998 ANS RP&SD Topcal Conference, Nashville (1998)
E Shuttleworth, "Self-adjusting importances for the Acceleration of MCBEND", Proc. 1998 ANS RP&SD Topcal Conference, Nashville (1998)
P Cowan and G.A.Wright, "Investigation into Anomalous Responses of Gamma Density and Neutron Porosity Tools in Horizontal Gas Wells", Proc. Trans 38th SPWLA Logging Symposium , Houston (1997)
S.J.Chucas et al, "Advances in the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND" (pdf: 260k - 16 pages), Proc. ANS RP&S Topical Meeting, Cape Cod, Massachusetts (1996)
IJ Curl, "Virtual Experiments with the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND" (pdf: 80k - 8 pages, Proc. 5th International Conference on the Application of Nuclear Techniques, Crete, Greece (1996) Wouters et al, "Doel 1/2 Analysis of Surveillance Capsule and Cavity Dosimetry with MCBEND", Proc. 1996 RP&S Topical Meeting, Falmouth, Massachusetts (1996)
A.F.Avery, "Topical Report on the Use of the MCBEND Code for the Calculation of Neutron Fluences in the Pressure Vessels of LWR's" Serco Assurance - 0352 (1996)
S.J.Chucas et al, "Preparing the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND for the 21st Century" (pdf :120k - 11 pages), Proc. 8th ICRS, Arlington, Texas (1994)
N.R.Smith et al, "Geometry Modelling and Visualisation for the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND" (pdf: 180k - 8 pages), Proc. 8th ICRS, Arlington, Texas, (1994)
S.J.Chucas and M.J.Grimstone, "The Acceleration Techniques used in the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND" (pdf: 120k - 10 pages), Proc. 8th ICRS, Arlington, Texas (1994)
G. Wright et al, "Benchmarking of the JEF2.2 Data Library for Shielding Applications" (pdf: 117k - 8 pages), Proc. 8th ICRS, Arlington, Texas (1994)
E.J.Shuttleworth, "The Verification of Monte Carlo Codes in Middle Earth", Proc. 8th ICRS, Arlington, Texas (1994)
M.Peeters, D.W.Oliver and G.A.Wright, "Pulsed Neutron Tools Applied to Three-Phase Production Logging in Horizontal Wells", Proc. Trans 35th SPWLA Logging Symposium , Tulsa (1994)
P.Cowan and J.F.Locke, "The Accurate Determination of Vertical Resolution of Gamma Density Tools", Proc. 16th European Formation Evaluation Symposium, Aberdeen (1994)
J.F.Locke and J Butler, "Characterisation of Rock Formations for the Improved Calibration of Nuclear Logging Tools", Proc. 15th European Formation Evaluation Symposium, Stavanger (1993)