WIMS Technical Papers

Further Information on WIMS can be obtained from the following WIMS Technical Papers:


B Lindley, J G Hosking, P J Smith, D Powney, B Tollit, T Fry, R Perry, T Ware, C Murphy, C Grove, M Thomas, K Hesketh, D Kotlyar, "Developments within the WIMS Reactor Physics Code for Whole Core Calculations", M&C 2017, Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017

J G Hosking, B A Lindley and P J Smith, "CACTUSOT: A 3D Method of Characteristics Solver in WIMS", M&C 2017, Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017


J G Hosking, T D Newton, B A Lindley, P J Smith and R P Hiles, "A Perturbation Analysis Scheme in WIMS Using Transport Theory Flux Solutions", PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, USA, May 1–5, 2016.

B Stray, M Delaney, B Lindley, M Shepherd, S Richards, G J Hosking and P J Smith, "Solution of the OECD/NEA SFR Neutronic Benchmark Using WIMS and MONK", PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, USA, May 1–5, 2016.


B A Lindley, H Mohamed, G T Parks, G JHosking, J Lillington, "Double-heterogeneity modelling of High Temperature Reactors containing particulate fuel", TOPFUEL, Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 13-17, 2015.

B A Lindley, D Kotlyar, G T Parks, J Lillington, B Petrovic, "Reactor Physics Modelling of Accident Tolerant Fuel for LWRs Using ANSWERS Codes", TOPFUEL, Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 13-17, 2015.

J Lillington, G Hosking, P N Smith, P J Smith, "ANSWERS Computer Codes: Verification and Validation for Novel Reactor Applications", Nuclear Future, Volume 11, Issue 3, May/June 2015

B A Lindley, T D Newton, G Hosking, P N Smith, D Powney, P J Smith, "Release of WIMS10: A Versatile Reactor Physics Code for Thermal and Fast Systems", Proceedings of ICAPP 2015, Nice, France, May 2015


T. Newton, G. Hosking, L. Hutton, D. Powney, B. Turland and E. Shuttleworth "Developments Within WIMS10", International Conference on the Physics of Reactors "Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource", Interlaken, Switzerland (September 2008)


J G Hosking, T D Newton, O Kberl, P Morris, S Goluoglu, T Tombakoglu, U Colak & E Sartori, "Analysis of an OECD/NEA High-Temperature Reactor Benchmark", Proc PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, Canada, September 2006

B M Franklin and T D Newton, "Contributions to the IRPhE Database from Experiments on the UK Dimple Reactor", Proc PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, Canada, September 2006


T D Newton, P J Smith and Y Askan, "A Helium Cooled Particle Fuel Reactor for Fuel Sustainability", Proc ARWIF 2005 - Workshop on Advanced Reactors With Innovative Fuels, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, February 16-18, 2005


T D Newton et al, "BN-600 Full MOX Core Benchmark Analysis", Proc PHYSOR 2004, Chicago, USA (April 2004)

J L Hutton, T D Newton, R J Perry and D J Powney, "Validation of WIMS9", Proc PHYSOR 2004, Chicago, USA (April 2004)

T D Newton and P J Smith, "Safety Characteristics of Candidate Oxide Fuels for Accelerator Driven Transmuters", Proc PHYSOR 2004, Chicago, USA (April 2004)


T D Newton and P J Smith, "A Moderated Target Sub-Assembly Design for Minor Actinide Transmutation", Proc Global 2003: Atoms for Prosperity, - New Orleans, Louisiana, November 16-20, 2003


J L Hutton, "The use of WIMS for Gas-Cooled Reactor Calculations", Proc PHYSOR 2002, Seoul, Korea, (October 2002)

TD Newton, J L Hutton, "The next Generation WIMS Lattice Code: WIMS9", Proc PHYSOR 2002, Seoul, Korea, (October 2002)


JL Hutton and NR Smith, "Use of a Hybrid Monte Carlo Technique for Power Shape Calculations", Proc Monte Carlo 2000, Lisbon, Portugal (October 2000)

D J Powney "Calculation Of Temperature Reactivity Coefficients In Kritz-2 Critical Experiments Using Wims" PHYSOR '2000,Pittsburg, USA (May 2000)

J L Hutton, D J Powney "Comparison Of Wims/Panther Calculations With Measurement On A Range Of Operating Pwr" PHYSOR '2000,Pittsburg, USA (May 2000)

J L Hutton "New Capabilities Of The Wims Code" PHYSOR '2000,Pittsburg, USA (May 2000)

EB Webster "WIMSBUILDER" PHYSOR '2000,Pittsburg, USA (May 2000)

Pre 2000

T D Newton, "The Deveopment of Modern Design and Reference Core Neutronics Methods for PBMR"

T D Newton and P J Smith, "Flexibility of the Gas Cooled Fast Reactor to Meet the Requirements of the 21st Century"

David Powney, Bernard Franklin, "Benchmarking of Square and Hexagonal Pitch Critical Assemblies using WIMS", Proc. PHYSOR98, Long Island, New York State (October 1998)

Christopher J Dean, David Hanlon, Raymond J Perry, "Benchmark Calculations for Uranium 235", Proc. PHYSOR98, Long Island, New York State (October 1998)

M J Armishaw, J L Hutton, N R Smith and J Sidell, "Features of the Monte Carlo MONK8", Proc. PHYSOR98, Long Island, New York State (October 1998)

Michael J Halsall, "WIMS8 - Speed With Accuracy", Proc. PHYSOR98, Long Island, New York State (October 1998)

MJ Halsall, "WIMS - A General Purpose Code for Reactor Core Analysis" (pdf, 13 pages), (December 1995) David Powney, Bernard Franklin, "Benchmarking of the ZR-6 Critical Assemblies using WIMS", Proc. 8th AER Symposium, Czech Rebublic (September 1998)

EB Webster, "The Treatment of Fuel Depletion in the Reactor Physics Code WIMS7 and the Nuclide Inventory Code FISPIN7", Proc. PHYSOR 96, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan, (September 1996)

MJ Halsall, "WIMS7, An Overview", Proc. PHYSOR 96, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan, (September 1996)

JL Hutton, "Advanced Modelling Methods in Monte Carlo", Proc. PHYSOR 96, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan, (September 1996)

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